Saturday, April 30, 2011

Nokia N9 To be Announced 14 February: MeeGo 1.2, 1.6GHz, 1GB RAM

I know I stopped updating this blog a couple of months ago; but, I did say I would be resuming my days as a dedicated Nokia blogger whenever Nokia got my attention back–and they have done just that.

The Nokia N9 has been in the limbo since the last year. Nokia said at Nokia World, we “would hear about MeeGo later this [2010] year,” but nothing has been announced thus far. Then, some rumors surfaced that the N9 had been canceled; at that point I had had it, and, decided to give myself a break from Nokia.

nokia n9 1024x788 Nokia N9 To be Announced 14 February: MeeGo 1.2, 1.6GHz, 1GB RAM

Anyway, today it was reported by YouMobile that the Nokia N9 will be announced either the 14th or 15th of February and released by late April or early May. The Nokia N9 is not a smartphone by definition; it is a hybrid between a phone and a tablet, just like the N900. The N9 is rumored to have a beautiful aluminium housing, an impressive 1.6GHz of processor, 200MHz of graphics processor, 1GB of RAM, and a screen between 4.1 and 4.5 inches (hopefully CBD AMOLED). Below, the known specs:

CPU – Intel 1,6 GHz
RAM – 1 GB
- High Level Memory: 117MB - Low Level Memory: 889MB

CLK – Reference/System Clock: 19,2MHz
- DSP Clock: 440MHz
- Memory Clock: 26MHz
- Grapcics clock (LNC core): 200MHz
- Graphics Memory: 512MB
- Display: 480 x 854 Pixel
GPS – Broadcom BCM4751
- Single chip GSM
Audio – Intel HD Audio – ALSA
RF – Infineon XMM 6260 3G modem
Texas Instruments WiLink 6.0 (WL1271)
- Bluetooth v2.1 + EDR
- FM Radio (Transmitter/Receiver)
- Core Version: 2.15
- Standards: a (54MBit/s) / b (12MBit/s) / g (54MBit/s), n (300MBit/s)

This rumors seem legitimate, but nothing can be known for certain at this point. We will have to wait and see what happens next week. The success of the N9 will also depend on how Nokia is going to market the N9. If it’s going to be a dev-phone, or a consumer phone, remains unknown.

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