Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Nokia 5800 fan-YouTube-video: Nokia Us ' s biggest fan of us (warning: coarse language.

YouTube user gene last week sent his alT male Troyer, Nokia 900, how many passionate fans of Nokia in the United States, Lumia, but does not have his April 6 900 Lumia as the us.And I think that he is angry, marked, I mean really really angry about it.
It is not her fault or the fault of Nokia (thank goodness) FEDEx to provide aircraft, but as expected, our friend here, this is some of the technologies, (b) the $% @ * t, SH, and, on the other hand, promised for April 9, to provide approximately 2 days after it is available which is all more the order of the local memory was completely unnecessary! Boy! This is really sucks.
Somehow, I know how you feel, I left the job is 2: 0 pm Friday (6 April;) (Delivery date), in the hopes that I would be home in time for the draw, but the warzu were already and disappeared, and the links to the note-speak, that they will try to deliver Monday, April 9, I did not, could not, did not in any way they could, it is expected Monday. Switch shop FEDEx, where he sat in rush and me.
Unfortunately, gene alT male Troyer enjoy Isfar worse than mine!
Here is the video " & fs = 1 & source = uds >" Typ "Application/X-Shockwave-Flash" = > "is always funny and comforting to see that Nokia ... In the USA, the fans of Br/> if Windows phone with Nokia thoughts was so think again because the video, I have always said clearly, and Nokia is an accountant at the rear of the phone, Windows Microsoft OS to raise awareness of the true winner of the gene alT male Troyer clearly shows this relationship.
I also have an overview of the Lumia900 (I remember that), but he stressed how the Nokia was made a part of it, and the ball is in the Court of Justice of the Republic of Poland, the Microsoft and select phone to Windows Mobile OS, which is the subject of a number of characteristics, real multi-tasking Smartphone today, a good camera and a few other Betriebssystemewie interface.

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