Saturday, December 4, 2010

Nokia leaks with 4″ X 7, 4 speakers and 8MP – looks cute

We knew that the Nokia X 6 came because of the road map, which revealed a few months before. But personally, I never thought it would be interesting. Nokia X 6 is for the first time, format image in any case, today – display the 4? fantasies, 4 speakers and in my opinion, a sweet looking for design.

The most impressive feature of the Nokia X 6 is its four speakers. I'm sure it's four speakers exhale devices like THE HTC surround her with a dedicated slide away. The most interesting feature is after 4 ? amoled screen. X 7 is still not date of communication, which is rumored, but my bet is announced at Mobile World Congress, send no more than 3 weeks after the announcement because Nokia has a policy of eliminating waiting time between the date of the poster and distributing products. Another interesting detail is 7 X 4 homescreens, and updated icons. X 7 can run an updated version of the Symbian operating system. Stay tuned for more!

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