Sunday, August 8, 2010

Happy! N8 comes new store Ovi, again

I knew as soon as I opened the store Ovi failure. Directory, which is basically what the Ovi store, that's really annoying to wrap **. But not only that, applications offered through it are just ... OK. Fortunately, the Nokia Ovi store is currently filled, it is, how to cheat the search feature, you can keep current Ovi, how about categories or channels? Just scroll through the applications is annoying!

Ovi Store for Nokia N8 Confirmed! N8 Will Come With New, Redesigned Ovi Store

All this is subject to change. Nokia's Ovi store now has a kick ass using Qt, and it has everything to offer directory. The whole was developed and finally supports application updates! It has a shop, check out all the time, if you have the latest content, you can update the new version.New pool Ovi Nokia N8 would come out of the box and the expectations of each individual device Nokia announces now. all experience is now better navigate categories, so that the Ovi store tour will now be easier to significantly improve the speed ... because it's not an application, but powerful application Qt WRT.

ovi store n8 Confirmed! N8 Will Come With New, Redesigned Ovi Store

This is great news! the new Ovi store as well as a new browser that really make the N8 N8 feature the winner of the device has a hardware N8.impressive, now Nokia Software must keep improving, and they do so well while we wait N8!

We recommend that you visit the .AAS have a full account of the new Ovi store via: Symbian here/all

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